Sunday, March 16, 2014

Matthew 22:15-23:39; Lesson 23

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson    23

Passage Matthew 22:15-23:39

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Pharisees and Sadducee questions aim to trap Jesus, but teach Government responsibility, resurrection truth and life’s love commands (Matthew 22:15-41)
a. Pharisee question Jesus about tax – Truth render to those it is owed Government and God (22:15-22)
b. Sadducee question relationships in resurrection – Truth God is God of Living not dead (22:23-33)
c. Sadducees and Pharisee question which is greatest command – Truth love God with all heart, mind and soul and neighbor as yourself (22:34-41)
Jesus question Pharisees about Messiah – Whose Son is he? Is he Lord ?(Matthew 22:42-46)
a. The Messiah question and response - David. (22:41-42)
b. The Messiah as David’s Lord and Son  - an unanswered question (22:43-46)

Jesus instruction and pronounces judgment truths and curse (Matthew 23:1-39)
a.  Listen and act on sound teaching (23:1-3a)
b. Jesus followers  aren’t after places of respect or names, but being humble servants (23:3b-12)
c. Seven Woes and truths (23:13-32)
d. Curse on those who in religion persecute righteous. (23:33-39)
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Pharisees and Sadducee questions aim to trap Jesus, but teach Government responsibility, resurrection truth and life’s love commands
Matthew 22:15-41
Jesus question Pharisees about Messiah – Whose Son is he? Is he Lord ?
Matthew 22:42-46
Jesus instruction and pronounces judgment truths and curse
Matthew 23:1-39
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Pharisee and Sadducee trap question bring truths, woes and curse
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To learn that the Loving God with heart, mind and soul and our neighbor as our self is the foundation of life in Christ; it should impact desire of life and we have a God that is the God of life.
Specific Application Questions

1.       How do you demonstrate whole hearted love?

2.       In what ways to you demonstrate Jesus as Lord of your life?

3.       What woes would Jesus pronounce on you?
Principles to Remember

Love God with heart, mind and soul.

Jesus is the Son of God our Messiah

Being religious is not necessarily being holy.

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