
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Matthew 17; Lesson 18

John's study this week:

MEMORY VERSE: “ ‘But what about you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ ” — Matthew 16:15-16 (NIV84)

Content (10 – 15 summary sentences)

Matthew 17

1. Matthew 17:1 - 3 Jesus takes Peter, James and John high up a mountain where Jesus is transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun, his clothes white as light and before them came Moses and Elijah who spoke with Jesus.
2. Matthew 17:4 – 8 Peter asks Jesus if he can build Jesus, Elijah and Moses shelter, but while he was speaking a bright cloud covered them and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” which terrified the disciples who fell to the ground and stayed until Jesus touched them to get up and not be afraid.
3. Matthew 17:9 – 9  Jesus instructs the disciples not to tell of what they have seen until after Jesus (Son of Man) has been raised from the dead.
4. Matthew 17:10 – 13 The Disciples asked why the teachers of the law say Elijah must come first to which Jesus replied that Elijah has come (the work of John the Baptist, who ministered in Elijah's spirit and power (Luke 1:17) and that Jesus will suffer at the Pharisees’ hands as well.
5. Matthew 17:14 – 18 When they came to a crowd, a man with a demon possessed boy knelt and pleaded with Jesus to have mercy on his son to which Jesus healed the boy driving out the demon.
6. Matthew 17:18 – 21The disciples came to Jesus in private asking why could they drive the demon out, to which Jesus replied  that their lack of faith stopped them telling them the “ that nothing will be impossible for you.”
7. Matthew 17:22 – 23 Jesus tells the disciples that he will be delivered into the hands of his enemies, they will kill him and on the third day be raised from the dead, which filled the disciples with grief.
8. Matthew 17:24 – 25a Arriving in Capernaum, the tax collectors of the temple tax came to Peter asking why Jesus doesn’t pay the tax to which Peter replied that Jesus does.
9. Matthew 17:25b – 26a Jesus asks Peter who the kings of earth collect taxes from, their own children or others to which Peter answered “Others.
10. Matthew 17:26b – 27 Jesus answered that the children are exempt, but, so he and Peter may cause no offense told Peter to go fishing, and from the fish he catches will come the tax for them both, then go and pay the tax.

Divisions (major divisions of the passage: 2 – 4)

Matthew 17:1 – 9 Jesus is transfigured before Peter James and John, and, meets with Elijah and Moses.

Application: If transfigured means transformed both inside and out, how have you been transformed through the study of Matthew this year?

Matthew 17:10 - 13 Peter asks Jesus about Elijah coming before the Messiah; and Jesus explains.

Application: How can this be? Maybe more importantly, am I ready for Jesus to return?

Matthew 17:14 - 21 Jesus casts a demon from a Father’s son.

Application: How is your faith is Jesus, as big as a mustard seed?

Matthew 17:22 - 23 Jesus tells and reminds the disciples about the coming suffering, death and resurrection.

Application: What does Christ’s message make you reflect on?

Matthew 17:24 - 27 Jesus pays the temple tax, by miraculous provision, but teaches the disciples that He is not obligated to.

Application: Who sees your example in contributing to the local church?

Subject Sentence (ten words or less)

Jesus is transfigured revealing glory; responds  to disciple’s small faith.

AIM (One principle teaching point from the passage)

TCTATS that Jesus is the unique and unequaled son of God of whom the Father commands us to “Hear Him!” 

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