
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Matthew 6 ; Lesson 7

Chuck's lesson this week:

Lesson     7
Passage Matthew 6

 Content (List of Topics or Events)

Our method for doing Good Works can lead to Righteous Rewards (Matthew 6:1-8)
a. Don’t do righteous as to be seen; if you do that’s your reward (1)
b. Don’t call out helping needy; done in secret has heavenly reward  (2-4)
c. Don’t pray for others; pray in secret and heavenly rewards follow; Our Father knows (5-8)
Jesus gives instruction on Prayer and Righteous Living (Matthew 6:9-24)
a. Instruction with model prayer (9-13)
b. Forgiveness towards others (14-15)
c. Fasting in secret (16-18)
 d. Correct treasure; don’t let money be a master (19-21)
e. Eye and light keep us from unhealthy darkness (22-23)
Put Aside Worry; seek righteousness (Matthew 6:25-34)
a. Don’t worry about life our Heaven Father cares (25-27)
b. Don’t worry about clothes or food; have faith (28-32)
c. Make it a priority to see after the things of God (33-34)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Our method for doing Good Works can lead to Righteous Rewards
Matthew 6:1-8
Jesus gives instruction on Prayer and Righteous Living
Matthew 6:9-24
Put Aside Worry; seek righteousness
Matthew 6:25-34

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus instructs that Godly attitude and priorities lead to righteous rewards

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

To learn that our approach to living, doing God’s will and our priorities can lead to our Heavenly Father’s generous reward.

Specific Application Questions

1.       What is your attitude when you do good for others?
2.       Where is your treasure?
3.       What things could you turn over to God that cause you stress?

Principles to Remember

God looks at our attitude
Where our treasure is, there is our heart.
 Our heavenly Father know what we need before we ask.


1 comment:

  1. I am new to homiletic...this was VERY helpful to me. Thank you for praying for me to learn what the Holy Spirit is teaching
