
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Matthew 8; Lesson 9

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson    9
Passage Matthew 8
Content (List of Topics or Events)

Healing Sickness – Jesus responds to needs and heals (Matthew 8:1-17)
a. Cleansing of leprosy with instructions to show privately to priest (1-4)
b. Centurion’s compassion and faith; Kingdom of Heaven is comprised of like faith(5-13)
c. Peter’s house healing mother-in-law and demon possessed (14-17)
Requirements – Jesus followers No Ties with new priorities (Matthew 8:18-22)
a. Challenge to teacher wishing to follow (18-20)
b. Challenge to priorities of those wishing to follow (21-22)
Claim in Storm – Jesus challenges faith (Matthew 8:23-27)
a. Storm causes fear bringing disciples to wake Jesus with request to be saved (23-25)
b. Jesus rebukes storm bringing calm and chastises disciples for little faith (26-27)
Recognition – Jesus casts out demons; challenging our comfort (Matthew 8:28-34)
a. Demon possessed recognized Jesus as Son of God (28-29)
b. Jesus drives demons to herd of pigs (30-32)
c. Town people pleaded with Jesus to leave (33-34)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Healing Sickness – Jesus responds to needs and heals
Matthew 8:1-17
Requirements – Jesus followers No Ties with new priorities
Matthew 8:18-22
Claim in Storm – Jesus challenges faith
Matthew 8:23-27
Recognition – Jesus casts out demons; challenging our comfort
Matthew  8:28-34

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus demonstrates authority heals, casts out demons challenges faith priorities

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

To learn that Jesus loves and responds to pleas for help with our life circumstances.

Specific Application Questions

1.       How to we come to Jesus; in what ways do we demonstrate our faith?
2.       In what priority to we place our walk with Jesus; what needs to change?
3.       When troubles come; where is Jesus?
4.       Where is the sin the drags us down; how do you rely on Jesus to purge the sin?

Principles to Remember

Jesus is the great physician for those who come to him
Jesus wants first place in our lives.
Jesus is claim in the storm.
 Even the devil recognizes Jesus; he wants us to ignore Jesus


Matthew 7; Lesson 8

John's study this week:

(In your own words, summarize passages into sentences. Goal of 12 – 15 sentences)

Matthew 7

1. Matthew 7: 1 - 6 Do not judge, or you too will be judged, for in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
2. Matthew 7: 7 – 8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.
3. Matthew 7:9 – 12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
4. Matthew 7:13 - 14 “Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it, but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
5. Matthew 7:15 - 20 Watch out for false prophets;  By their fruit you will recognize them.
6. Matthew 7:21 – 23 Only those who do the will of the Father will enter heaven; not false disciples.
7. Matthew 7:24 – 27 He who hears and obeys Christ’s words is like the man who built his house on a foundation on the rock (who is Jesus), whose house will stand amidst trials and storms unlike the foolish man who does not heed Christ’s commands who is like a man who builds his house on the sand, who will not stand in the day of trial.
8. Matthew 7:28 – 29 The crowds were amazed because Jesus taught with true Godly authority, not as their teachers of the law did.

(Summarize main groupings of thoughts. Goal of 2, 3 or 4 divisions; ID passages covered)

1. Matthew 7:1 – 6 Jesus teaches on judgment and discernment.

Application: How secret is secret? Is it the law or merely guidelines to experiencing God’s blessing?

2. Matthew 7:7 – 12 Jesus teaches more on prayer giving a pattern to follow:  Ask, Seek & Knock, and the giving nature of God.

Application: Which of these is holding you back from experiencing God’s best for you?

3. Matthew 7:13 - 23 The God standard:  Jesus teaches on living by faith so we need not live worried or have anxiety.

Application: How is worry holding you back?

4. Matthew 7:24 – 29 Faith in Christ and obedience to Christ allows us to build our lives on Jesus as a strong foundation against the storms of life.

Application: When storms come, is your life built Christ the solid foundation?

Subject Sentence
(Summarizing the Divisions into one sentence – ten words or less):

Lives built on Christ yields discernment, and answered prayer life.

(A main teaching point for the overall study of the passages):

TCTATS: To cause the audience to focus on Christ’s teaching on pray and to always and continually and with perseverance to  ask, seek and knock.

Matthew 6 ; Lesson 7

Chuck's lesson this week:

Lesson     7
Passage Matthew 6

 Content (List of Topics or Events)

Our method for doing Good Works can lead to Righteous Rewards (Matthew 6:1-8)
a. Don’t do righteous as to be seen; if you do that’s your reward (1)
b. Don’t call out helping needy; done in secret has heavenly reward  (2-4)
c. Don’t pray for others; pray in secret and heavenly rewards follow; Our Father knows (5-8)
Jesus gives instruction on Prayer and Righteous Living (Matthew 6:9-24)
a. Instruction with model prayer (9-13)
b. Forgiveness towards others (14-15)
c. Fasting in secret (16-18)
 d. Correct treasure; don’t let money be a master (19-21)
e. Eye and light keep us from unhealthy darkness (22-23)
Put Aside Worry; seek righteousness (Matthew 6:25-34)
a. Don’t worry about life our Heaven Father cares (25-27)
b. Don’t worry about clothes or food; have faith (28-32)
c. Make it a priority to see after the things of God (33-34)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Our method for doing Good Works can lead to Righteous Rewards
Matthew 6:1-8
Jesus gives instruction on Prayer and Righteous Living
Matthew 6:9-24
Put Aside Worry; seek righteousness
Matthew 6:25-34

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus instructs that Godly attitude and priorities lead to righteous rewards

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

To learn that our approach to living, doing God’s will and our priorities can lead to our Heavenly Father’s generous reward.

Specific Application Questions

1.       What is your attitude when you do good for others?
2.       Where is your treasure?
3.       What things could you turn over to God that cause you stress?

Principles to Remember

God looks at our attitude
Where our treasure is, there is our heart.
 Our heavenly Father know what we need before we ask.