
Monday, March 5, 2012

Ephesians 1 - Lesson 22

John's study this week:


(In your own words, summarize passages into sentences. Goal of 12 – 15 - 20 sentences)

Ephesians 1

1.  v1 - 3 Paul greets the holy and faithful church in Ephesus, in the name of Christ, praising God who blesses us (believers) with every spiritual blessing.
2. v4 - 5 Paul introduces us with the doctrine of predestination as Christ chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight, predestined for adoptions as sons and daughters of God through Christ according to his pleasure and will.
3. v6 – 8a  Praise to God for the doctrine of God’s grace freely given to us in Christ (the One he loves) through whom we have redemption and forgiveness from our sins through Christ’s shed blood profusely bestowed (lavished) on us.


4. v8b – 10 With good pleasure, wisdom and understanding God revealed the mystery of His will and purpose in Christ to bring unity to all things in Heaven and on Earth under Christ’s reign.
5. v11 -12  According to God’s plan to work everything in conformity with the purpose of his will those who put their hope in Christ were predestined and chosen in order to bring praise of his glory.
6. v13 - 14 When we heard the message of truth and believe, we were marked in Christ with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession.


7. v15 – 17 Paul gives thanks for the Ephesus church’s faith, love of all God’s people and remembers them in his prayers for their good works, asking God to give the church wisdom and revelation given through the Holy Spirit that they may know Christ better.
8. v18 – 19a That the eyes of their heart would be opened so that they may more fully know the hope given, his glorious inheritance and the great power given to us who believe.
9. v19b – 21 The power God wants to give is the same as that which He used when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Christ at His right hand in heaven ruling over all earthly powers and dominion in the present age and also the one to come.
10. v22 – 23 God placed all things under Christ’s authority appointing him to be in charge of everything for the church (us) which is His body and the fullness of him who fills everything.

(Summarize main groupings of thoughts. Goal of 2, 3 or 4 divisions. ID passages covered)

 I. God blesses - God blesses believers and predestines our adoption by Christ’s atoning sacrifice of blood.
Ephesians 1 – 8a

Application: How have you been specifically blessed?

Application:  Are you praying for both those who need God’s help as well as those who are being successful in their faith?

II. God seals and reveals - According to God’s perfect plan we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and by that the mystery of God’s will will be revealed.
Ephesians 8b - 14

Application: How do you know God has placed the seal on your heart?

Application: How do you understand the mystery of God’s will for you?

III. God empowers - Paul prays for the continuance of their knowledge and hope, with respect to the heavenly inheritance, and to God's power working in them.
Ephesians 8b - 14

Application: How are you using the power given to you by God?

Application: Are you sharing the message of the inheritance you have received?

Subject Sentence
(Summarizing the Divisions into one sentence):

God blesses, reveals and empowers believers fulfilling his willful purposes. (10 words)

(A main teaching point for the overall study of the passages):

To cause the audience to be encouraged that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our place in His will as a part and member of the body of Christ.

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