
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Exodus 3 - 4; Lesson 3

Chuck's Study this week:

Homiletics                                                                            Study of Life of Moses
Lesson     3                                                                              Passage Exodus 3-4
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Moses meets God on Mount Horeb and receives instruction to bring Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3:1-22)
a. Moses meets God “I am” in burning bush that is not consumed (1-6)
b. God tells of Moses mission to answer cry heard by God (7-10)
c. Moses asks “who am I” with the “I am” instruction to go with elders to pharaoh. (11-22)
Moses excuse response with God’s miracles. (Exodus 4:1-17)
a. First Excuse/response – What if they don’t believe me? (1-9)
God’s Miracles: Staff/Snake, leprous/clean hand, water/blood
b. Not Eloquent -
God’s words, brother Aaron (10-17)

Moses and Family return to Egypt (Exodus 4:18-31)
a. Moses asks Jethro for approval to return to Egypt (18)
b.  God instructs Moses to go back to Egypt and repeats instruction (19-23)
c. God anger against Moses regarding son’s circumcision (24-26)
d. Moses meeting Aaron and Elders and telling about the Lord (27-31)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Moses meets God on Mount Horeb and receives instruction to bring Israelites out of Egypt
Exodus 3:1-22
Moses excuse response with God’s miracles.
Exodus 4:1-17
Moses and Family return to Egypt
Exodus 4:18-31

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Moses meets God, receives instruction, challenged and returns to Egypt
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To learn that God is a holy God asking His own to a life of service to him.  Those who follow God’s  direction will receive blessings and support as He walks along side of us in ministry.
Specific Application Questions
How have you met God; what ways do you worship Him as Holy?
What excuses to do bring to God for service; what specific ways has He equipped you?
What thing have you left undone that needs to be handled so that you can be of service?

Principles to Remember
God is holy and He wants our worship and service.
God equips us for His service
Going for God requires complete commitment.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Exodus 2:11 - 25; Lesson 2

Chuck's Study this week:

Lesson     2

Passage Exodus 2:11-25

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Moses sees and reacts to Israelite hard labor and kills Egyptian and flees. (Exodus 1:11-15a)
a. Moses identifies and goes out to own people and tries to help; killing Egyptian (11-12)
b. His own people respond bringing fear (13-14)
c. Pharaoh hears and tries to kill Moses as Moses flees (14-15a)
Moses rescues Reuel’s daughters at well and is rewarded with wife and son (Exodus 2:15b-22)
a. Moses arrives in Midian and sits at well (15b)
b. Reuel, a priest of Midian, daughters are helped water flock by Moses. (16-18)
c. Moses is invited home and given daughter Zipporah; blessed with son (19-22)
Israelites groan and cry out to God for help; God hears, remembers, see and is concerned (Exodus 2:23-25)
a. King dies in Egypt; Israelites  in slavery cried out to God (23)
b.  God hears cries, remembers covenant, sees them and is concerned (24-25)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Moses sees and reacts to Israelite hard labor and kills Egyptian and flees.
Exodus 1:11-15a
Moses rescues Reuel’s daughters at well and is rewarded with wife and son
Exodus 2:15b-22
Israelites groan and cry out to God for help; God hears, remembers, see and is concerned
Exodus 2:23-25

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Moses reaction separates, Median assistance brings family, God’s concerned awareness
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To learn that all things work together for good to those who love God.  God can use our life experiences to His glory; He listens, He is faithful to His promises, He sees and is concerned for His own.
Specific Application Questions
How have you responded inappropriately to a life situation?
Where have you been lead to help others and seen something good happen? How did that feel?
Where do you cry out for help and in what ways do you see God’s hand at work?

Principles to Remember
God waits us to identify with Him and reflect Him in all of life circumstances.
Blessings come with service to others.
God hears our cries.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome to the Life of Moses Study

Great things are happening in the spread of the Gospel message to the world. God's economy never diminishes in value. We hope that you will enjoy this year's study as much as we do! This year's study of the Life of Moses promises to keep us in the Word most every day during the week.

If you are not in a BSF class, look on Classes always find room.

Chuck and John