
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Matthew 25; Lesson 25

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson    25

Passage Matthew 25

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Virgin Parable Keep Watch and be prepared   (Matthew 25:1-13)
a. Circumstance – Bridegroom long time in coming (1-5)
b. Call – Bridegroom arrives (6)
c. Conclusion – Not all virgins we prepared for journey and those that weren’t were shut out (7-13)
Bags of Gold Parable – Use talents or loose (Matthew 25:14-30)
a. Talents (bags of gold) given with actions taken (14-18)
b. Master review of the good and faithful servants actions with blessing (19-23)
c. Master review of excuse for inaction by wicked and lazy servant with punishment (24-30)

King separating sheep & goat Parable – We are judged based on compassionate demonstrated faith in action for the Father (Matthew 25:31-46)
a.  Separation of people; one from another like sheep & goats (31-33)
b. Righteous identified for their action for master and blessed (34-40)
c. Unrighteous  identified for Not doing the will of the Father and given eternal punishment (41-46)
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Virgin Parable Keep Watch and be prepared
Matthew 25:1-13
Bags of Gold Parable – Use talents or loose
Matthew 25:14-30
King separating sheep & goat Parable – We are judged based on compassionate demonstrated faith in action for the Father
Matthew 25:31-46
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Virgin, gold, judgment parables illustrate preparation, investment, action for Father
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To learn that Jesus is coming back and that we must be ready, work diligently with talents we have and reflect the will of the Father in all we are.
Specific Application Questions

1.       How are you preparing for the Master’s return; is there something you need to do now?

2.       In what ways are you investing your talents so that it brings a heavenly return?

3.       Where specifically can you be more reflective of the will of the Father?
Principles to Remember

The Lord will return when we don’t expect it; we need to be in daily preparation so we aren’t locked out of the blessings.

We are asked to bring a harvest and a return to God based upon what He as given us; blessings are ours.

We will be judged by what we do for the Kingdom; we are God’s hands and feet of blessing

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Matthew 24; Lesson 24

John's study this week:

MEMORY VERSE: “Jesus said to them, ‘Have you never read in the Scriptures: “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes”?’ ” - Matthew 21:42 (NIV84)

Content Sentences (10 – 15 summary sentences)

Matthew 24
1. Matthew 24:1 – 2 As Jesus left the temple he spoke to his disciples, pointing to the temple buildings, “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down.”
2. Matthew 24:3 – 3 While sitting on the Mount of Olives, Jesus’ disciples asked about the end of the temple, presumably end of the age and Jesus return.
3. Matthew 4 - 8 Jesus warned that there will be deceivers who will be false messiahs, wars and rumors of wars, nations will rise against each other and there will be famines, earthquakes which will signal as birth pains the end of the age.
4. Matthew 24:9 – 14 Jesus followers will be persecuted, hated even put to death and that many will turn away from the faith by false prophets who deceive, and that love will even grow cold, but stand firm to the end and you will be saved for the gospel will be preached in the whole world as a testimony and then the end will come.
5. Matthew 24:15 – 21 Jesus then speaks cryptically that “the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel will be seen in the holy place; then everyone should flee in haste, not taking anything with them for there will be great unequalled distress in the land.
6. Matthew 24:22 – 22 Jesus speaks his warning that for the sake of the elect (believers) the days grow short, and beware of deceivers and do not believe those who say such things as ‘There is the Messiah’ for ‘For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.’
7. Matthew 24:28 – 29 Jesus then quotes old testament that distress such as the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
8. Matthew 24:30 – 31 Jesus explains that “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory, and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.”
9. Matthew 24:32 – 35 Jesus say to learn from the fig tree and know that this generation will not pass away until all these things happen and even if Heaven and earth pass away, the words of the Lord will live on forever.
10. Matthew 24:36 – 41 Jesus declares that only the Father in heaven knows the hour and day when judgment will come and the Son of Man return; just as in the days of Noah before the flood, people will be clueless and many taken.
11. Matthew 24:42 – 44 Therefore keep watch because we do not know when the Lord will come, just as the owner of the house, had he know that the thief was coming would have stood diligent and kept watch, so must we be ready for the return of the Son of Man.
12. Matthew 24:45 – 47 Who then is the faithful servant of God, whom the master put in charge and who executes his duties as expected for he will be put in charge of his master’s possessions when he returns.
13. Matthew 24:48 – 51 Jesus finishes with a warning that the servant who does not do his proper duty will be cut down and assign him a place with the hypocrites where there will be anguish.

Divisions (major divisions of the passage: 2 – 4)

Matthew 24:1 - 3 The temple will be destroyed and disciples ask about the meaning of such and ask about a sign of his return.

Application: Are you still seeking Jesus, even in this age of affluence?

Matthew 24:4 – 14 Jesus describes coming history until he returns and warns of false messiahs.

Application: Are you on guard against false teacher, messiahs and prophets?

Matthew 24:15 – 35 Jesus describes signs of his coming and the end of the age, tribulation and that ‘this generation’ will not pass away, but God’s word endures forever.

Application: Are you holding on to God’s enduring word and not things of this world?

Matthew 24:36 – 51 Jesus states that only the Father knows when the return will be, and describes his return through parable of the two’s: two men in field, two women grinding, the evil servant and the faithful servant so earnestly be prepared.

Application: Are you prepared for the master’s return as a faithful servant, fulfilling your duty?

Subject Sentence (ten words or less)

Jesus describes history, gives warning and encourages followers until return.

AIM (One principle teaching point from the passage)

To cause the audience to see (TCTATS) that we are to live in expectation and be prepared for the coming return of our master Lord Jesus.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Matthew 22:15-23:39; Lesson 23

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson    23

Passage Matthew 22:15-23:39

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Pharisees and Sadducee questions aim to trap Jesus, but teach Government responsibility, resurrection truth and life’s love commands (Matthew 22:15-41)
a. Pharisee question Jesus about tax – Truth render to those it is owed Government and God (22:15-22)
b. Sadducee question relationships in resurrection – Truth God is God of Living not dead (22:23-33)
c. Sadducees and Pharisee question which is greatest command – Truth love God with all heart, mind and soul and neighbor as yourself (22:34-41)
Jesus question Pharisees about Messiah – Whose Son is he? Is he Lord ?(Matthew 22:42-46)
a. The Messiah question and response - David. (22:41-42)
b. The Messiah as David’s Lord and Son  - an unanswered question (22:43-46)

Jesus instruction and pronounces judgment truths and curse (Matthew 23:1-39)
a.  Listen and act on sound teaching (23:1-3a)
b. Jesus followers  aren’t after places of respect or names, but being humble servants (23:3b-12)
c. Seven Woes and truths (23:13-32)
d. Curse on those who in religion persecute righteous. (23:33-39)
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Pharisees and Sadducee questions aim to trap Jesus, but teach Government responsibility, resurrection truth and life’s love commands
Matthew 22:15-41
Jesus question Pharisees about Messiah – Whose Son is he? Is he Lord ?
Matthew 22:42-46
Jesus instruction and pronounces judgment truths and curse
Matthew 23:1-39
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Pharisee and Sadducee trap question bring truths, woes and curse
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To learn that the Loving God with heart, mind and soul and our neighbor as our self is the foundation of life in Christ; it should impact desire of life and we have a God that is the God of life.
Specific Application Questions

1.       How do you demonstrate whole hearted love?

2.       In what ways to you demonstrate Jesus as Lord of your life?

3.       What woes would Jesus pronounce on you?
Principles to Remember

Love God with heart, mind and soul.

Jesus is the Son of God our Messiah

Being religious is not necessarily being holy.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Matthew 21:18 - 22:14; Lesson 22

John's study this week:

MEMORY VERSE: “And whoever wants to be first must be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” — Matthew 20:27-28 (NIV84)

Content Sentences (10 – 15 summary sentences)

Matthew 21:18 - 46
1. Matthew 21:18 – 22 In the event of Jesus encountering a barren fig tree that he causes to wither thus causing the disciples to ask how it withered to which Jesus replied, “if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done, so if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
2. Matthew 21:23 – 27 When the chief priests and elders questioned Jesus by what authority be does what he does to which he replied asking by them by whose authority did John the Baptist’s baptism come from, which confounded the priests as if they acknowledge it came from God, then why didn’t they believe or if of human origin then they may receive the anger of the people, so they just said that they did not know so Jesus replied in kind that he would not answer them.
3. Matthew 21:28 – 32 Jesus teaches from the parable of the two sons (with differing attitudes toward work) and the father who tells his sons to work in the vineyard, summarizing the story about belief and repentance, chastising them that they do not do either, so will not be entering the kingdom of heaven.
4. Matthew 21:33 – 46 Jesus teaches the parable of the landowner of vineyards and the farmers he rents to teaching about that God will take away resources (that are His to give) and give them to followers who will produce, which made the priests feel convicted but looked for a way to arrest Jesus, and were afraid of the people (again).
Matthew 22: 1 - 14
5. Matthew 22:1 – 7 Jesus taught in parable saying that the kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son, sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come, which enraged the king who destroyed those who disobeyed.
6. Matthew 22:8 – 10 The King said to the servants to go to the streets and invite people of all kinds to come and celebrate, which they did, filling the wedding hall with guests.
7. Matthew 22:11 – 13 When the king saw the guests he noticed that one man was not dressed appropriately for a wedding feast, so had the man thrown out of the hall.
8. Matthew 22:14 – 14 Jesus then stated, “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

Divisions (major divisions of the passage: 2 – 4)

Matthew 21:18 - 22 Jesus acts out a parable about the consequences of an unfruitful Israel and God’s disapproval of his people who are all promise but no action.

Application: How fruitful are you in serving the King of all?

Matthew 21:23 – 27 Jesus answers and teaches the leaders through questions and parables about service in actions over words.

Application: Are you living for the Father of light out of love for Him, or are you living out of your own motives?

Matthew 22: 1 – 14 Jesus teaches by parable that when it comes to the Gospel message, some are indifferent, some are hostile and some unchanged and that they will all have the same fate; some accept by faith and will enjoy the wedding feast of the lamb.

Application: You’ve been called, but have you been chosen?

Subject Sentence (ten words or less)

 We are chosen to serve, be fruitful; live for God.

AIM (One principle teaching point from the passage)

To cause the audience to see (TCTATS) that we are to love and serve God, and his children.