
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Genesis 20 - 21; Lesson 17

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson     17

Passage Genesis 20-21

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Description Abraham relationship with Sarah causes Abimeleck problems (Genesis 20:1-18)
a. The relationship lie (1-2)
b. The Abimeleck dream (3-7)
c. The truth challenge of Abraham (8-13)
d. Abimeleck  generous gifts to Abraham (14-18)

Abraham two sons – Isaac promise; Ishmael assurance (Genesis 21:1-21)
a. Isaac born and circumcised (1-7)
b. Hagar mocks Isaac festivities and Sarah separation (8-10)
c. Abraham distress and God’s assurance for Ishmael (11-13)
d. Hagar sent away (14) e. God intervenes and protects Hagar and Ishmael (15-20)

Abraham a man of demonstrated faith blesses Abimeleck  (Genesis 21:22-34)
a. Abimeleck recognizes Abraham blessing and requests kindness (22-24)
b. Abimeleck accepts Abraham claim for well (25-30)
c. Treaty of Beersheba (31-34)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Description Abraham relationship with Sarah causes Abimeleck problems
Genesis 20:1-18
Abraham two sons – Isaac promise; Ishmael assurance
Genesis 21:1-21
Abraham a man of demonstrated faith blesses Abimeleck
Genesis 21:22-34

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Abraham lie brings Abimeleck problems, Isaac birth separation, faith promise
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To Learn that God desires pure honest demonstration of faith and our walk reflects our relationships with Him to the world.
Specific Application Questions

1.       Where are we not being completely honest?

2.       Sin has no place in God’s plan; where are we allowing sin to interfere with His plan for us?

3.       Does your faith show?  How is it seen where you live?

Principles to Remember

God wants honest faith in Him

Sin brings separation from God

We are a gift of faith to our friends and family

Friday, January 25, 2013

Genesis 18 - 19; Lesson 16

John's study this week:
(In your own words, summarize passages into sentences. Goal of 12 – 15 sentences)

Genesis 18

1. Genesis 18:1 – 8 The Lord and two men came to Abraham, who offered rest, refreshments and comfort, hurried to see to their comfort having Sarah bake bread, his servant to prepare a meal and while they ate, he stood nearby.
2. Genesis 18:9 – 15 Then the Lord asked where Sarah was and declared that this time next year Sarah would bear a son, and not to dis the idea because they were both old and Sarah laughed at the idea and when called about it by the Lord, she lied; and the Lord called her out for it.
3. Genesis 18:16 – 19 When the men were about to leave, the Lord declared that he had chosen Abraham to fulfill his promise of descendants.
4. Genesis 18:20 – 23 The Lord declared that the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah was so great because of their sin that he had to see for himself after which the men left, but Abraham asked the Lord if he would kill both the righteous and unrighteous in the town?
5. Genesis 18:24 – 33 Abraham asked what if there were 50 righteous, or 45 righteous, or 40 righteous, or 30 righteous, or 20 righteous, or 10 righteous would the Lord destroy the town to which the Lord replied “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.” Then he went away and Abraham returned home.

Genesis 19

6. Genesis 19:1 – 2 The two angels arrived in Sodom where they met Lot at the Gateway who then got up to meet them then bowed down with his face to the ground, saying please stay at my house for the night to which they answered no, we will spend the night in the square.
7. Genesis 19:3 – 3 But Lot insisted so they came to his house where he prepared a meal for the.
8. Genesis 19:4 – 5 Before bed time, all the men from Sodom came and surrounded Lot’s house then called out to Lot to bring them out that the men might have sex with the men (angels).
9. Genesis 19:6 – 8 Lot then went outside and did a stupid thing offering his own daughters for them to have sex with but not to do anything to the men (angels) as they were under Lot’s protection.
10. Genesis 19:9 – 11 The men of the city taunted Lot as an outsider and that they would treat Lot worse, to which the angels struck the men of the city with blindness.
11. Genesis 19:12 – 14 The angels then told Lot to gather up his family and leave Sodom as the Lord had sent them to destroy Sodom, to which Lot gathered his wife and daughters (and future son’s-in’law) to leave, but the future sons-in-law thought he was joking.
12. Genesis 19:15 – 17 With dawn approaching, the angels told Lot to hurry and leave so Lot took his wife and daughters and did so for the Lord was merciful to them, one angel urging them to flee, don’t look back, don’t stop; flee to the mountains or you will be swept away.
13. Genesis 19:18 – 22 Lot pleads with the angel to not make him go to the mountains, but flee to the town of Zoar which is granted.
14. Genesis 19: 23 – 26 By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen and the Lord rained down burning sulfur upon the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding plain of all living vegetation, but Lot’s wife turned and looked back, and was changed into a pillar of salt.
15. Genesis 19:27 – 28 The next morning Abraham returned to where he had stood before the Lord to see the smoke rising from the land as from a furnace.
16. Genesis 19:29 – 29 When God destroyed the cities, he remembered Abraham and Lot and family. Count them as four righteous, not ten.
17. Genesis 19:30 – 36 Lots and his daughters settled in the mountains and lived in a cave, where the daughters schemed on getting Dad drunk and having sex with him to keep the family line going, both becoming pregnant.
18. Genesis 19:37 – 38 The older daughter had a son named Moab who became the father of the Moabites, and the young daughter had a son and she named him Ben-Ammi who became the father of the Ammonites.


(Summarize main groupings of thoughts. Goal of 2, 3 or 4 divisions. ID passages covered)

1. Genesis 18:1 – 33 The Lord visits Abraham who stands for the righteous.

Application: How are you willing to stand for the righteous whom you know?

2. Genesis 19:1 - 22 Angels visit Sodom, are hosted and protected by Lot, who then protect him.

Application: How are you standing for the righteous?

3. Genesis 19:23 - 38 The Lord delivers judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah.

Application: How are you telling others about God love grace and judgment to come?

Subject Sentence
(Summarizing the Divisions into one sentence – ten words or less):

God honors the faithful and protects the righteous.

(A main teaching point for the overall study of the passages):

To cause the audience to see that God is just and faithful to protect the righteous and judge the unrighteous.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Genesis 16 - 17; Lesson 15

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson     15
Passage Genesis 16-17

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Man’s answer to God’s Covenant - Promise (Hagar and Ishmael) (Genesis 16)
a. Sarai’s child answer - Hagar (1-4a)
b. Sarai mistreats Hagar (4b-6)
c. Angel of the Lord intercedes, describes son and “sees” Hagar’s distress (7-15)
God confirms covenant with circumcision identification (Household of God) (Genesis 17:1-16; 23-27)
a. Name change to identify Abraham as father of nations (1-8)
b. Covenant requirement circumcision (9-14)
c. Name change to Sarah as mother of nations (15-16)
d. Commitment identification with covenant circumcision (23-27)
God’s Covenant Son - Answer (Isaac from Sarah) (Genesis 17:17-22)
a. Covenant Son Isaac foretold (19)
b. Blessing to Ishmael (20)
c. Time set for covenant son’s birth (21-22)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Man’s answer to God’s Covenant - Promise (Hagar and Ishmael)
Genesis 16
God confirms covenant with circumcision identification (Household of God)
Genesis 17:1-16; 23-27
God’s Covenant Son - Answer (Isaac from Sarah)
Genesis 17:17-22

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Human action is Ishmael, but identification with covenant yields Isaac blessing

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

To Learn that being blameless in God’s eyes requires first identification with His covenant and walking with Him.

Specific Application Questions

1.       In what ways are we intervening in God’s plans and setting our own direction?
2.       How do we identify ourselves with God; how are we involved in our church?
3.       What specific blessings, are you accepting through involvement in His work?

Principles to Remember

God has a perfect plan for us.
We should stick out as God’s own; an attractive ambassador of Christ
There is blessing and joy in serving Jesus

Monday, January 7, 2013

Genesis 15: Lesson 14

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson     14

Passage Genesis 15

Content (List of Topics or Events)
God “the Word” comes to Abram  (Genesis 15:1-7)
a. Vision of Lord “I am” Shield and Reward (1)
b. Abram’s response  “no heir” (2-3)
c. Word of Lord promises blood heir (4-6)
d. Abram belief is righteousness (7)
Abram asks and God’s response to how to possess promise (Genesis 15:8-17)
a. Abram wants to know that he will possess promise (8)
b. God’s  request of sacrifice (9)
c. The preparation of sacrifice (10-11)
d. The journey to inheritance (12-16)
e. Acceptance of sacrifice (17)
Lord’s Covenant with Abram (Genesis 15:18-21)
a. Expanse of covenant “the land” (18)
b. Impact of covenant  “the people” (19-21)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
God “the Word” comes to Abram 
Genesis 15:1-7
Abram asks and God’s response to how to possess promise
 Genesis 15:8-17
Lord’s Covenant with Abram
 Genesis 15:18-21
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
God’s Word and Abram’s belief leads to covenant from God
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To Learn that belief in God’s promises leads to rich reward
Specific Application Questions

1.       How are you being open to God’s word?

2.       In what ways are you asking God to guide you?

3.       How are you accepting God’s direction, or are you?

Principles to Remember

The “Word” of the Lord never fails

We need to participate in the promise of God

The Lord has a plan for us; our faith is enriched by following God’s direction.