
Monday, May 14, 2012

Acts 21:16-28:31; Lesson 31

Chuck's study this week!

Lesson    31

Passage  Acts 21:16-28:31

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Paul’s witness to Jerusalem Christians and Jewish Conflict (Acts 21:16-22:29)
a. Report of God’s work to Gentiles (21:16-25)
b. Jewish purification and conflict at Temple brought on by Ephesian Jews (21:26-36)
c. Paul speaks to Crowd (21:37-22:29)

Paul’s witness and Defense of Ministry with Encouragement (Acts 22:30-25:27)
a. Paul before Sanhedrin (22:30-23:11)
b. Paul protected and transferred to Caesarea (22:12-35)
c. Trial before Felix and witness brought personal fear (24:1-27)
d. Trial before Festus and sent to Agrippa(25:1-22)
e. Trial before Agrippa and sent to Rome (25:23-26:32)
Paul’s journey to Rome and witness of Christ (Acts 27:1- 28:31)
a. Paul’s warnings trip peril in Crete (27:1-12)
b. Paul’s encouragement in Storm and shipwreck (27:13-44)
c. Paul’s healing of man bitten by snake and result (28:1-10)
d. Paul’s preaching in Rome 28:11-31

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Paul’s witness to Jerusalem Christians and Jewish Conflict
Acts 21:16-22:29
Paul’s defense of ministry with God’s Encouragement
Acts 22:30-25:27
Paul’s journey to Rome and his Witness of Christ
Acts 27:1- 28:31

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Paul’s defense of Gospel, Jerusalem, courts and journey to Rome
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To Learn that it boldly proclaiming salvation through Christ is the ministry of all Christians; we are under God’s will and protection.
Specific Application Questions

1.       How bold are you in standing for your faith?

2.       When you are called on to share your faith; do you clearly share resurrected Jesus?

3.       When hardships arise, is Jesus your anchor?

Principles to Remember

God is our support in all circumstances

God wants us where we are to witness clearly for Him

Jesus is our anchor; hold fast and he will be present.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Book of Jude; Lesson 30

John's study this week:

(In your own words, summarize passages into sentences. Goal of 12 – 15 sentences)

Jude 1

1. v1-3 Jude greets those who are called, loved and kept for Jesus by God, urging his friends to contend for the faith of God’s holy people.
2. v4-6 Beware of the ungodly among you who are condemned and who are perverting the grace of God into something endorsing immoral behaviors and deny the deity and sovereignty of Christ and that though the Lord delivered his people and destroyed those who did not believe, He also will bind the angels for judgment and who did not keep their positions serving as examples of God’s punishment.
3. v7-10 Just like Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves over to disobedience, sexual immorality and perversion, the ungodly pollute their own bodies, reject authority and slander whatever they do not understand; even the archangel Michael did not himself dare to condemn him (Moses) by slander.
 4. v11-13  Woe to those who follow Cain’s way of anger; woe to those who follow Balaam in greed and woe to those who follow after Korah in envy, woe to these who are a part of the congregation but do not believe for they are like clouds without rain, wild waves and wandering stars without purpose.
5. v14-16 Enoch prophesied that the Lord and his holy ones will come to judge and convict the ungodly and their acts, those that follow their own evil desires.
6. v17-19 Remember what the apostles told that in the last times will be unbelievers who do not have the Holy Spirit who are among us who will try and divide by following their own sinful desires.
7. v20-23 Strengthen yourselves in your faith, praying in the Spirit, keeping yourselves in God’s love and be merciful to those who doubt and save those from eternal hell and hate sin.
8. v24-25 Give God, our savior, glory, majesty, power and authority who is able to keep us from stumbling.

(Summarize main groupings of thoughts. Goal of 2, 3 or 4 divisions. ID passages covered)

I. Beware of evil in your midst even as you experience God’s love.
Jude 1-10

Application:  Who will you share of God’s love this week?
Application: How will you guard yourself and the church from false teachers?

II. Be on guard as to why believers stray from God’s love.
Jude 11-16

Application: How will strengthen your walk with Christ this week?
Application:  Who can you encourage in their Christian walk this week?

III. Be strengthened yourself as you stay in God’s love.
Jude 17-25

Application: If insanity is defines as doing the same this over again expecting different results, what will you do differently this week in following Christ?

Subject Sentence
(Summarizing the Divisions into one sentence):

Staying in God’s love strengthens us in our Christian walk.

(A main teaching point for the overall study of the passages):

To cause the audience to stay in God’s Word, pray in the Spirit and look for Christ’s coming.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Peter 3-5; Lesson 29

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson    29

Passage  I Peter 3-5

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Living together in harmony and respect (I Peter 3)
a. Wives live in submission and inward beauty (1-6)
b. Husbands live consideration  respect for wives (7)
c. Everyone live in harmony (10-12)
d. Doing good in Christ (13-17)
e. Christ work brought submission of all (18-22)
Arm yourselves with Christ’s attitude toward suffering (I Peter 4)
a. All will account to him; stay free of evil desires (1-6)
b. All activity should gracious and reflect Christ (7-11)
c. All suffering can connect us to Christ (12-19)

Instructions and warnings to those with influence (I Peter 5)
a. Be servant shepherds (1-4)
b. Be submissive and humble (4-7)
c. Be  self-controlled and alert for devil (8-11)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Living together in harmony and respect
I Peter 3
Arm yourselves with Christ’s attitude toward suffering
I Peter 4
Instructions and warnings to those with influence
I Peter 5

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Peter encourages respect, attitude in sufferings and influence - reflect Christ
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
To Learn that it is how we live as Christians can reflect our relationship with Christ; we are set apart by Him.
Specific Application Questions

1.       Where are you demonstrating living in harmony and respect?

2.       Are we grumbling in sufferings; how can we change our attitude?

3.       What kind of influence are you to those who look up to you?

Principles to Remember

Respect is more than the things you do

Sufferings are proving our faith

Influence is not pushing your will; lasting influence is acting out faith in real life situations