
Monday, December 12, 2011

Homiletics: Hebrews 11 - 13; Lesson 13

John's study this week:

(In your own words, summarize passages into sentences. Goal of 12 – 15 sentences)

Hebrews 11

1. v1 - 2 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see allowing us to understand the universe formed by God.
2. v3 –6 By faith believers will be commended for their righteousness, pleasing God and knowing that God exists will be rewarded as they seek Him.
3. v7 – 12 By faith in things to come and not yet seen, believers such as Noah with a holy fear and trusting obedience will be saved, strengthened and in Abraham and Sarah’s case by made a mighty nation.
4. v13 – 19 People who live by faith, trusting in God may not see the things promised by God in their lifetimes, but trusting in Him will still be blessed and live a better life than those without faith.
5. v20 – 28 By faith God’s people will bless others such as Isaac did to his sons, Jacob did to Joseph’s sons, Moses’ parents did to Moses (and subsequently all God’s people).
6. v29 – 40 By faith God’s people will be blessed in their obedience to God’s instructions, even when it seems we grumble or make deals. If we are in God’s will, are obedient and believe, we have nothing to fear knowing that God has plan superior to what we can conceive.


Hebrews 12

7. v1 – 3 Run your life in God’s hands giving up all that keeps living by faith and serving God focusing on Christ the author and perfecter  of our faith, who endured the cross in obedience to the Father for me.
8. v4 – 6 Do not forget God’s words of encouragement and examples which will strengthen your faith.
9. v7 -  11. Even though you may have to endure God’s discipline, as His children it is in our best interests and to submit to His the discipline and training as it will make us stronger and produce a harvest of righteousness and peace.
10. v12 – 17 Strengthen yourselves to be presentable and useful to God’s plan to heal a broken people, living in peace, keeping others from stumbling, and encouraging all to come to God.
11. v18 – 28 Do not be afraid of approaching God in your sin, but come worshiping with repentance to Christ who is our mediator of the new covenant and be doing so we will receive a kingdom that is unshakable.


Hebrews 13

12. v1 – 3 Keep loving one another showing hospitality to strangers, remembering those in prison and those who persecute you.
13. v4 – 5 Keep God’s instruction toward sexual purity honoring marriage as well as the love of money being content with what God has blessed you with.
14. v6 – 8 Remember that is our helper; remember our leaders as examples of Christ imitating their faith as they follow Christ.
15. v9 – 16 Be strengthened by God’s grace as we have a high priest in Jesus who suffered and died for us, continually offering a sacrifice of praise to Him, doing good and sharing with others.
16. v17 – 19 Submit to the leadership and authority of the church who must give account to God for their work, and live righteously that we will have a clear conscience before God.
17. v20 – 25 And may the God of peace equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.

(Summarize main groupings of thoughts. Goal of 2, 3 or 4 divisions. ID passages covered)

I. Faith in action is defined by God.
Hebrews 11

Application: What is holding you back from having faith in God?

Application:  What steps can you start with today to increase your faith?

II. God’s discipline and training makes us useful to run God’s race.          
Hebrews 12

Application: How is your focus on self keeping you from embracing God’s training plan for your life?

Application: How might Christ’s example of obedience encourage you to be obedient to Christ’s calling in your life ?

III. Final reminders on how and why we are part of God’s plan.   
Hebrews 13

Application: What instruction from God is the hardest for you to keep? And why?

Application: How will you support your pastor or church leader this week that is different from how you have treated them before?

Subject Sentence
(Summarizing the Divisions into one sentence):

Faith with God’s training prepares us to run His race.  (10 words)

(A main teaching point for the overall study of the passages):

To cause the audience to see that:

A life under God’s training and discipline leads to a wonderfully and righteous life doing His will.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Homiletics: Hebrews 7 - Hebrews 10; Lesson 12

Don's study this week:


Melchizedek, King of righteousness and Salem (Peace) w/out genealogy beginning/end of life, priest forever, collected/blessed, greater than Abraham 1-10
Perfection not attainable through Aaron line priesthood, change in priesthood means change in law 11,12
Melchizedek from different tribe, just as Jesus from tribe of Judah 13-15
Priest on basis of indestructible life is priest forever, former regulation set aside, weak/useless 16-18
A better hope introduced, superior high priest, Jesus as guarantee of better covenant, lives forever, permanent priesthood, meets our need by His sacrifice for sin, once and for all 19-28
Jesus ministry superior to earthly high priest in shadow (of heavenʼs superior) tabernacle, His new covenant superior with Israel/Judah, God writes his law on peoples hearts, He is our God and we are His people, old covenant obsolete. Chapter 8
First covenant rules, earthly sanctuary with Holy Place and Most Holy Place 9:1-3
Incense, ark of covenant contained manna, Aaron staff, Tablets, cherubim of the Glory overshadow atonement cover, 9: 4-5
High Priest enter earthly Most Holy once/year, blood offered for sin of himself/people, did not clear consciences. 6-10
Jesus enters Most Holy greater tabernacle, by own blood sacrifice, gains eternal redemption, cleansed our consciences, mediator of new covenant 11-21
Blood of covenant necessary to cleanse, no forgiveness without shed blood 22-24
Jesus entered heavenly Most Holy Place once, sacrificed once to take away sin for many, will return a second time to bring salvation 25-28
Old sacrifices not sufficient, Jesus perfect sacrifice to atone for all sin, once and for all, we are made holy because of His obedience to do Fatherʼs will. 10:1-14
Holy Spirit testifies to new covenant Lord puts law in hearts and write on minds, sins/lawless acts remembered no more 14-18
Confidence by Jesus blood, new and living way, and great high priest, draw near to God with full assurance of faith, cleansed conscience from guilt, Let us hold to hope, encourage one another 19-25
Those who keep on sinning have no sacrifice left, expect severe, dreadful, judgement of raging fire for enemies of God 26-31
Remember boldness of earlier days of having light to stand ground, confidence rewarded doing the will of God, we do not shrink back destroyed, but believe and are saved. 32-3

SS: Jesus Christ, The Greatest High Priest for Godʼs New Covenant

CATL: Because, Jesus our high priest, cleansed us from all sin, and intercedes on our behalf constantly, we are called to not shrink back but persevere

A Greater High Priest Hebrews 7
Application: How does knowing Jesus is the Great High Priest forever, comfort or encourage you?

A Greater Tabernacle Hebrews 8-9:10
Application: What might you need to take to the heavenly Most Holy Place this week in prayer?

A Greater Sacrifice Hebrews 9:11-10:18
Application: Since we have been made holy according to Godʼs will by the blood of Jesus sacrifice once and for all, what guilt are you still holding onto? What sins do you think youʼve committed that Jesus will always remember or is unable to forgive?

A Greater Confidence and Hope Hebrews 10:19-39
Application: Therefore, Who do you need to encourage to persevere in the faith this week with your infectious confidence in Christ?